ILPRA and its material supply system

The shortage of materials is putting industries all over the world in a difficult situation, leading to an increase in the cost of raw materials and delays in supplies and deliveries. Copper, iron, steel, lumber, semiconductors, plastic and cardboard for packaging: the world is seemingly low on all of it.

What is clear for all companies subjected to these changes is that the higher input costs, while still preserving quality, are a long-term issue in terms of final pricing, with uncertain changes also in the future.

Despite the ongoing global raw material crisis, ILPRA has not changed its production schedule. Thanks to large preventative supplies, we have remained fully covered through 2021 and, with available materials, we have supplies for most of 2022.

To meet customer demands and at the same time guarantee potential future customers machinery and spare parts free from financial speculation, ILPRA has made significant investments to ensure a stock of raw materials. In this way, we have neutralized the general and global increase in prices minimizing the correlation between financial speculation and commodity prices.

Our supply system ensures a steady production process, guaranteeing a constant flow of our products to the increasingly growing packaging market. In fact, in October, orders in the packaging industry increased by 11.2%, compared to the same period last year. This has brought growth since the beginning of 2021 to +13.4%.

Ilpra’s experience and stability have allowed the improvement of its production processes, ensuring a certain stability on the market. Click here to read the full document of the Integrae Sim research:

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